Sunday, October 7, 2007


Melanie and I saw the Superusuckers last. North of Grand opened. I think Pat has been lifting weights...his drums had to be crying "uncle" by the end of their set. Nice work fellas!

I was a tad worried that the Supersuckers would be too complacent and "super-suck", but I was pleasantly surprised. Also, it was a small, but quality crowd...Limke, Mr. and Mrs. Coal-burger , Mellie B., Billy T, Jeffro, Pat, Brenda, Fatty, Johnny G, Clint, Chrissy, Dougie Fizzle, Moped Mafia, Josh, Chrissa, Rad Chad, Tim the arm, Stephanie, some hot Asian chick, Mr. and. Mrs. Dave Zuck, Boyfriend Bob, Boyfriend Bob's girlfriend, some cops, Bullet Tooth, Kling, Martin Luther King Jr., Michael Joe Harper, The dude that owns Ted's Coney Island (Ted?), Daggers, T-Ray, Sal, Gus the planner, tits, North of Grand, and a bunch of bro-dudes from the Liar's Club.

Anyway...great show. Rontrose and I exchanged email addys so I could send him some Jew-core records. Afterwards, we ate cold Mc Donalds's in the car and then went to GT and got drunker-er.

1 comment:

gussied up said...

Mmmm. Cold McDonalds. Mmmm. Supersuckers. Thanks for the late-night GT shot, BTW. That was a great night.